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May Performance Updates

On the week of May 12th, we’ll be publishing updates to Autoship Cloud’s hosted service, QPilot, that increase performance and availability.

Other than the benefits of increased performance (outlined below), the update will also change the IP Address of the QPilot API that some site administrators have “whitelisted” so that their security firewalls enable connection between the WordPress site and QPilot.

Important: Are You Whitelisting the QPilot API’s IP Address?
If you have (or if you think you have) previously whitelisted the IP Address of the QPilot API, please see our updated support documentation here to ensure you add this new IP Address to your whitelist as soon as possible.

You should add the new IP Address to your whitelist by May 14, 2019.

You don’t need to remove our previous IP address from your whitelist just yet and should wait until at least May 15th before removing our previous IP Address.

No Firewall or Whitelist to Update?  No Problem!

If you don’t manage this type of security with your site and have never added one of our IP Addresses to your firewall or whitelist, then there’s nothing that you need to do. 

Expected benefits of the updates publishing to QPilot the week of May 12th include:

  • Faster loading of the QPilot Merchant Site, Dashboard and Reports
  • Increased responsiveness of the Hosted iFrame display of Scheduled Orders
  • Faster loading and responsiveness of search results when searching within an Autoship Cloud report, for example, the Processing Dashboard found in WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Dashboard or the Scheduled Orders report found in WP-Admin > Autoship Cloud > Scheduled Orders
  • Improved speed of Scheduled Orders processing – most noticeable when attempting to manually process or retry processing a Scheduled Order
  • Improved speed of logging Scheduled Order processing events and Scheduled Order update events

We’ll be discussing some of the user-facing features that these improvements support in next month’s May Release Notes.

If you have any questions about how to whitelist the QPilot API, please contact us via the Autoship Cloud Support Site.